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Spring 2024
Government Programs That Drive Sales: A Guide

Industry experts help demystify several recently enacted and landmark pieces of federal legislation that will significantly impact the electrical products industry for generations to come.

Winter 2023
Industry Outlook: Distribution Executives Forecast 2024 Trends

From supply chain constraints and skilled labor shortages to emerging renewable markets, new digital tools and more, distributor executives nationwide weigh in on the challenges and opportunities that will define 2024.

Summer 2023
Built For Growth
Maximizing the Success of Supplier-Distributor Relationships

Sales executives from major electrical product manufacturers nationwide share top tips for maximizing the success of supplier-distributor relationships.

Spring 2023
Joint Sales Activities That Move The Needle

Industry sales professionals share how strong relationships with manufacturers’ reps can positively impact sales, profits and growth.

Winter 2023
The Training Issue
Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

Fall 2022
Insights On Electrical Contracting

IMARK member executives share their thoughts on the best ways to support electrical contractors during chaotic times.

Spring 2022
The Office of the Future
Are You Ready?

Lighting and wiring device manufacturers discuss the future of commercial office space and the lighting configurations and wiring device products that will best support a post-pandemic workforce.

Winter 2022
Life on the Front Lines of the Pandemic

Representatives of several IMARK Electrical member companies discuss the current situation on the ground at their firms and their predictions and hopes for business in 2022.

Fall 2021
How to Find, Nuture New Customers:
Invest 7 Minutes in Your Future

Possessing the skills to find the right new customers equates to profitable growth.

Spring 2021
Career Advice for Future Leaders

IMARK member company executives offer their top advice for career success in today’s and tomorrow’s electrical distribution industry.

Winter 2020
Turning the page on a tough year
Reshaping Business Plans to meet Changing Customer Needs

Marketing professionals from manufacturers nationwide share how e-commerce and other creative digital approaches have taken on new meaning during the pandemic.

Summer 2020
IMARK Members respond to a New Reality

Distributors nationwide discuss the challenges, opportunities, trends and game-changing new practices that have rocked the electrical distribution industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spring 2020
B2B Never Sleeps

Information never rests, nor does the hunt for it. So, you can’t rest either.

Fall 2019
Free Help is Good to Find
Maximize the Values of Your Supplier Relationships

Distributors share insights on their webstores and why having one can help you avoid "geting stuck betwen a rock and a fax machine."

Summer 2019
E-Customer Service
If You Build It, Will They Come?

Distributors share insights on their webstores and why having one can help you avoid "getting stuck between a rock and a fax machine."

Spring 2019
Building the Workforce of Tomorrow Today

HR professionsals at several IMARK member companies discuss the current trends and challenges in recruiting and retaining new employees.

Fall 2018
The 'New Normal'
For Communicating with Contractor Customers

In a competitive business environment that’s increasingly reliant on digital mediums, distributors pursue new ways of communicating with contractors.

Summer 2018
Data is King
Convert Company Data into Actionable Intelligence to Drive Increased Sales, Profits

Business analytics experts discuss how the strategic use of data can enhance business decision-making and financial performance.

Spring 2018
The Communications Issue:
Traditional, Digital, or Both?

Manufacturers, agency reps and distributors in the electrical products industry are all too familiar with the laborious process of line conversions. While they can drive greater revenue and growth opportunities for all parties, they can also be tricky, tedious, politically-sensitive and laden with other land mines if not conducted thoughtfully and strategically....

Fall 2017
The Joy of Selling Hand Tools

Tool manufacturers and IMARK member execs share tips for the savvy sales, marketing and promotion of electrician’s tools.

Summer 2017
Is Your Company in a Bad Mood?

When your whole company is in a bad mood, employees don’t feel that they have a stake in its future—and that’s a problem. Here, we explain how to turn a bad mood around by helping your employees develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Is your company in a bad mood?

Spring 2017
What's on The Horizon?
Strategic Planning for Success

In a recent survey, IMARK members recognize that they must develop and implement a strategic business plan.