When you operate a service business, the quality of a company’s staff is the key point of positive differentiation.
Whether you agree with that statement or not, the recruitment, retention and development of top-performing company associates is a big challenge for all companies (big, medium or small).
Our cover story in this issue features the perspectives of leading member human resources executives on the subject of recruitment and retention. We think you’ll enjoy the article on page 30.
The members of the IMARK Member Futures Task Force met in Chicago on March 25-26 and discussed the elements of best-in-class programs and policies in the area of human resources and workplace development. One task force member said, “Ongoing training is an essential part of employee development and satisfaction. Our training is a mix of common training programs for a wide section of sales staff as well as individualized training courses to assist employees in meeting their development goals. We survey our employees to find common areas of need and interest and we develop formal individual development plans, which help justify the significant financial investment in this program.”
We agree and we do what we can to help members who are committed to helping their employees be more comfortable and confident on the job and we enjoy the opportunity to recognize members for their effective support of their employees.
Specifically, IMARK members can earn 2019 Platinum points when their employees take advantage of the following training resources available from IMARK Group and our trusted partners. Complete information on the following resources can be found in the “Training” section of the IMARK website.
IMARK University, Powered by Blue Volt
Right now, there are more than 525 courses from IMARK suppliers on IMARK University and 3,905 member employees have taken at least one course. On the other hand, there are more than 12,000 member employees with access to these courses and many have not yet taken advantage of these courses. IMARK University is free to the membership and individuals get a small incentive for each course completed.
National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors Lighting Specialist Training
The lighting and controls revolution is in full swing. These self-paced, online courses on lighting, controls and associated selling skills are popular with many members—and with good reason.
Selling in 6™ from Selling Energy
No customer, now or in the future, wants to spend more on energy. And more and more people are concerned about their carbon footprint. This is an issue young people considering our industry feel strongly about. Selling in 6 was created by Mark Jewell of Selling Energy. It is a learning management system to support sales of energy-efficient lighting and controls. Mark’s knowledge is shared in sixminute modules (300 modules now available) that can be accessed via smartphone, tablet or web-connected device.
Electrical Products Education Course from NAED
The Electrical Products Education Course is widely recognized as the cornerstone of sales and product training in the electrical distribution channel. The program boasts 11,000 graduates, many of whom work for IMARK member companies.
Bronze, Silver and Gold tracks are available so learners build upon a solid and growing foundation of knowledge. Also, courses in automation, VDV and lighting are available. All coursework is available via distance learning.
IMARK Website Banner Advertising and Gateway to Growth Product Capsules
In addition to the resources described above, the IMARK website offers many opportunities to learn about important subjects in a very short period of time.
For instance, every month the IMARK website features new banner ads from IMARK suppliers and service providers. IMARK member employees who review and rate the relevance of the associated call to action may win a $25 gift card.
In addition, the new Product Blast feature on the IMARK website homepage features the best of supplier product capsules from the Gateway to Growth program. Again, lucky product reviewers can win a $25 gift card when they briefly share their assessment of the product’s sales potential.
There are many ways for people to learn. Successful training requires a consistent and ongoing commitment to company employees. We hope that the resources accessible on the IMARK website can be a part of your company’s training solution.